Abstrak Komunikasi antarbudaya yang benar – benar efektif ada beberapa hal yang harus diperhatikan, yaitu: (1) menghormati anggota budaya lain sebagai manusia; (2) menghormati budaya lain sebagaimana apa adanya dan bukan sebagaimana yang dikehendaki; (3) menghormati hak anggota budaya lain untuk bertindak berbeda dari cara bertindak; dan (4) komunikator lintas budaya yang kompeten harus belajar menyenangi hidup bersama orang dari budaya lain. Jenis penelitian yang digunakan adalah penelitian kualitatif. Teknik pengambilan data adalah studi kepustakaan. Dalam Tulisan ini dideskripsikan bahwa komunikasi antarbudaya akan efektif apabila di dalam komunikasi antarbudaya terjadi situasi yang mindful. Komunikasi antar budaya akan efektif apabila didalam komunikasi antarbudaya terjadi situasi yang mindful. Budaya memengaruhi cara setiap orang dalam menyampaikan pesan, sehingga terdapat perbedaan persepsi antara orang – orang yang terlibat dalam interkasi dan komunikasi di lingkungan tempat kerja. Dalam tulisan ini juga dilihat dari dua konteks kebudayaan yang berbeda yaitu low context culture dan high context culture. Kata Kunci : Komunikasi Antarbudaya, Mindfulness, Lingkungan Tempat Kerja.
Abstract The effective cross cultural communication there are several things that must be considered, namely: (1) respecting other cultural members as humans; (2) respecting other cultures as they are and not as desired; (3) respecting the rights of other cultural members to act differently from the way they act; and (4) competent cross-cultural communicators must learn to enjoy life with people from other cultures. The type of research used is qualitative research. The data collection technique is the study of literature. In this paper it is described that cross cultural communication will be effective if in cross cultural communication mindful situations occur. Cross cultural communication will be effective if in cross cultural communication mindful situations occur. Culture influences the way each person conveys a message, so there are different perceptions between people involved in interaction and communication in the workplace environment. In this paper also seen from two different cultural contexts, low context culture and high context culture.
Keyword: Cross cultural communication, mindfull, office
Abstract The effective cross cultural communication there are several things that must be considered, namely: (1) respecting other cultural members as humans; (2) respecting other cultures as they are and not as desired; (3) respecting the rights of other cultural members to act differently from the way they act; and (4) competent cross-cultural communicators must learn to enjoy life with people from other cultures. The type of research used is qualitative research. The data collection technique is the study of literature. In this paper it is described that cross cultural communication will be effective if in cross cultural communication mindful situations occur. Cross cultural communication will be effective if in cross cultural communication mindful situations occur. Culture influences the way each person conveys a message, so there are different perceptions between people involved in interaction and communication in the workplace environment. In this paper also seen from two different cultural contexts, low context culture and high context culture.
Keyword: Cross cultural communication, mindfull, office
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