Tulisan ini mencoba membahas terkait bagaimana pembinaan ideologi Pancasila dimungkinkan mengadaptasi model Collaborative Governance dalam rangka sosialisasi dan pengarusutamaan ideologi Pancasila. Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah pendekatan kualitatif dengan teknik pengumpulan data melalui studi pustaka yang kemudian didukung dengan data primer berupa implementasi jejaring Pancamandala yang digagas oleh BPIP. Temuan penelitian menunjukkan bahwa model Collaborative Governance dalam mendorong partisipasi publik secara bergotong royong tampaknya perlu dipertimbangkan sebagai alternatif. Faktor yang menjadi permasalahan diantaranya proses kolaborasi jejaring Pancamandala belum merata dilaksanakan di seluruh wilayah di Indonesia.
Kata Kunci: Pembinaan, Perspektif, Pemerintahan, Kolaboratif
This paper tries to discuss how the development of the Pancasila ideology is possible through the Collaborative Governance method in the context of socializing and fostering the Pancasila ideology to the public. The research method used is a qualitative approach with data collection techniques through library research which is then supported by primary data in the form of the implementation of the Pancamandala network initiated by BPIP. The research findings indicate that the Collaborative Governance model in encouraging public participation in mutual cooperation seems to need to be considered as an alternative. Factors that become problems include the collaboration process of the Pancamandala network that has not been evenly implemented in all regions in Indonesia.
Keywords: Coaching, Perspective, Government, Collaborative Key Words: Coaching, Perspective, Government, Collaborative
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