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Jurnal ini membahas terkait model demokrasi konsensus di Inodonesia. Penelitian ini mengunakan metode kualitatif dengan sumber data primer dan sekunder. Sumber Primer diperoleh melalui wawancara. Parameter pemilihan narasumber yaitu memahami dan menguasai permasalahan demokrasi. Sumber sekunder diperoleh dari kajian pustaka yakni buku, jurnal, artikel, majalah dan laporan penelitian. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa demokrasi Pancasila yang menerapkan konsensus sangat mengakomodir dan melindungi kelompok minoritas, mayoritas melindungi minoritas. Inilah ruh demokrasi konsensus. Sementara demokrasi voting yakni pengambilan keputusan berdasarkan satu orang, satu suara (one man one vote) seringkali mengabaikan kelompok minoritas karena soal menang dan kalah, kelompok mayoritas seringkali menang terhadap kelompok minoritas dalam setiap kali voting, pengambilan keputusan juga jauh dari semangat kehati-hatian (deliberatif). Kapasitas logika dan keterampilan pendiri bangsa (founding fathers) dalam membangun bangsa dan membuat konsep negara lebih kepada pendekatan efektifitas kualitatif (consensus) jangan sampai, hanya berfokus pada jumlah (quantity) sebagai panduan norma dan moral perilaku politik (valutional theory). Berdasarkan bentangan ‘empirical theory’ tersebut, mereka berhasil merumuskan konsep Pancasila dan meletakkan pondasi dan konsep dasar kehidupan berbangsa dan bernegara dengan sangat baik.

Keywords: Demokrasi Konsensus, Demokrasi Deliberatif, Voting, Musyawarah Mufakat


This journal discusses the model of consensus democracy in Indonesia. This study uses qualitative methods with primary and secondary data sources. Primary sources were obtained through interviews. Parameters for selecting resource persons are understanding and mastering democratic issues. Secondary sources are obtained from literature review, namely books, journals, articles, magazines and research reports. The results of the study show that the Pancasila democracy that applies consensus is very accommodating and protects the minority group, the majority protects the minority. This is the spirit of consensus democracy. While voting democracy is decision making based on one person, one vote (one man one vote) often ignore minority groups because it's a matter of winning and losing, the majority group often wins against minority groups every timevoting, decision making is also far from the spirit of prudence ( deliberative). The capacity of logic and skills of the nation's founders (founding fathers) in building the nation and making the concept of the state more of a qualitative effectiveness approach ( consensus) should not, only focus on the number (quantity) as a guide to the norms and morals of political behavior (valuation theory). By stretchempirical theoryAfter that, they succeeded in formulating the concept of Pancasila and laying the foundations and basic concepts of the life of the nation and state very well.


Keywords: Consensus Democracy, Deliberative Democracy, Voting, Consensus Deliberation 451 Jurnal Communitarian Vol.3 ,No.2, 24 Februari 2022 E-ISSN2686-058

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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.56985/jc.v3i2.174


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Online ISSN (e-ISSN) : 2686-0589

DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.56985/jc.v4i1

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